July 23, 2006

The weekend is almost over

Well it is Sunday night and I am wiped out. Today we started cleaning our basement. It needed it really bad! We could not even walk through the basement without stepping on something. We are cleaning out alot of stuff and will likely have a BIG FIRE when it is all done. Finally time to say goodbye to stuff that we just do not need or use anymore. I did not get any argument from Adam about keeping the baby clothes, so maybe there is hope of talking him into having 1 or 2 more! We came across some toys that I thought the boys would like to play with and brought them upstairs. Carter is having a blast with them! He has been entertained all night! My mom and dad kept all 3 kids for us while we cleaned. It was easier than having to chase Carter around the basement all afternoon. They were happy to go see mom and dad because they just got home from vacation on Friday. They went to Michigan with my mom's sisters and spouses. We had frozen pizza for supper and then Adam left to go play softball. He had a game at 7 and one at 9 tonight. It was too hot to send any of the kids along so we all stayed home and he went over himself. The 9 o'clock games can get to be pretty "buggy". This week will be busy for us because Maddie has daycamp Monday through Friday, plus she is taking swim lessons at the pool in Whittemore at 5 pm and Carter is taking them at 5:30 pm each night. Oh and I get to go to the dentist on Wednesday and have the first part of my crown done. YEAH!
Hope that you all stayed cool and had a great weekend!

Love to all, Stephanie and family


Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.