August 02, 2006

A busy day!

Hello. We escaped the really bad weather last night, but still got some much needed rain. We got at least 5 inches because our rain gauge was full to the top. The winds that went through really blew over some of the corn in the fields. It finally cooled off today and only got up to about 75 degrees.

This morning Adam and I took Maddie to see the orthodontist in Spencer for a consultation. They took a panoramic x-ray of her teeth so that they could better determine what we need to do and when we need to do it. Her teeth are crowding alot and most likely will all come in quite crooked. They want to see her back sometime in January to see how things look then and we can look at what treatment options we have. Of course, braces are going to be a must! We have to take her to our family dentist and have him pull 3 of her baby teeth as soon as we can get that done. She was almost in tears this morning because she is just scared of dentists due to the amount of dental work she has had done this past year. We feel so bad for her because all we can do is tell her that it will all be okay and we will be there with her every step of the way.

Carter and Kinnick went to my mom and dad's house while we went to the dentist with Maddie, so we picked them up and came home for lunch. After lunch Adam went into the bodyshop with our suburban because he needed to get an order placed for new brakes so that he can get them put on before we leave on Saturday for Wichita. He talked to the dealership where we bought it and they plan to pay for some of the cost since we have not had it that long. So that was nice.

After Adam got done with that he headed over to Algona to help my aunt and uncle haul stuff out of their basement. It got over a foot of sewer water in it with the rain last night. Talk about a mess!

At 3:30 I headed over to Algona with the kids to meet Adam and have him watch them while I went to get my hair done. It was a relaxing 3 hours away from the kids. Adam fed them all supper for me before I got home from Algona. That was awesome!

He headed back to Algona so that he could help my aunt and uncle some more in their basement. That is where he is now and I am sitting here with 3 wound up kids that do not want to go to bed. Maddie and Carter are pretending to "camp out" in the living. They are giggling because Maddie keeps saying "Do I have time for a smoke and a pancake or what?" (from Austin Powers) and Carter just keeps saying pancake and laughing like crazy. It is cute!

Well I do need to get some laundry done yet tonight so that I can start getting things ready to pack for vacation.


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