October 30, 2006
Some pictures...
Okay, it has been a long time since I have posted pictures. Here are a few I took tonight before the boys went to bed. I should have some pictures tomorrow after trick or treating too so I will try to get those out this week too!
October 27, 2006
Friday night
Well, here it is Friday night and I am watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Carter and Kinnick is upstairs in bed, he is not sleeping, but seems to be having quite a fun time jumping up and down in his crib making noise. Carter will be going up to bed soon, so they will probably be jumping in their cribs together. They really like to do that and giggle at each other. It is pretty cute! Maddie is spending the night at a friend's house up in Bancroft. She will be home late tomorrow afternoon and then it will be time to get her dressed up in her costume for the Halloween party that Whittemore puts on for kids. She is pretty excited about it. I am not sure if the boys will go to it or not. Will have to see how our day goes tomorrow. I tried taking Kinnick shopping for groceries tonight and that was an awful experience. In fact, we did not even make it to Hy-Vee. When we got done getting the few things we needed at K-Mart he was more than ready to get out of the cart. Even if I buckle him into the cart he can squeeze out! Little stinker! Oh, I almost forgot, the whole reason I was posting was to tell all of you that we got Kinnick's hearing tested at Prairie Lakes in Algona this morning and he passed! So we know that he can hear perfectly! Well, I suppose I should get Carter off to bed. Have a GREAT weekend! Stephanie and family
October 26, 2006
Rainy Thursday
Well what a yucky day it has been here. Just dreary and somewhat rainy all day long. When the weather is like this it really seems to affect the mood of my kids. It is almost 3:30 and Brennan and I are playing together and watching Dr. Phil. Carter went with Adam to pick up Maddie from school and take her to an appointment at 3:30. Then she will go to the YMCA until soccer practice starts at 5. She is such a busy girl! Tomorrow night she is staying at a friend's house for a birthday party and won't be home until late Saturday afternoon. Kinnick is upstairs napping, his second nap of the day. We are pretty excited because we got him to say da da last night. That was so AWESOME to hear. His teacher was here yesterday afternoon and worked with him here at the house for an hour. He really likes her. She brought a bunch of instruments with her for him to play with and he did a great job imitating her. So that was great! I was so proud of him. I guess that since we have started working with him I feel really good when he does what we want him to do. Every little step counts! There's not much else new with us. I cannot believe that Halloween is next week already. I am curious to see what Carter will think about trick or treating. He is terrified of the Halloween section at K-Mart, so it should be interesting when we see kids in their costumes! Well, I should get my towels folded that are in the dryer before Kinnick wakes up because he likes to unfold them as fast as I can get them folded! Love, Steph
October 22, 2006
Sunday night
Hello! Well it is Sunday night and our weekend was pretty uneventful. I took the kids grocery shopping with me on Friday night. What a mistake! They were SO crabby. By the time we got to the checkout we had 2 boxes of Lucky Charms opened and I had 2 boys that were crying. Kinnick was screaming as we were getting checked out. It took all I had to keep him in the shopping cart. He was drooling all over and making himself gag. Yeah, it was a temper tantrum! Everyone just stared at us. I felt awful, like I was this terrible mother. Carter was trying to grab every type of candy at the checkout counter that he could get his hands on. Maddie was pestering me to let her get some candy. Of course, when things like this happen you see someone you know and are just mortified that they saw you. Yep, that is what happened to me. I was in my grubby clothes, without makeup on and my hair was pulled back with a headband. I looked pretty scary. But who do you expect to see shopping for groceries on a Friday night???? FUN! Oh the joy of parenting. I called Adam on the way home and was in tears. I wonder how the kids would be if Adam took them to the store by himself? I think it would be interesting to say the least.
Saturday I spent most of the day laying on the couch. I felt like complete crud. I was supposed to help serve at a funeral dinner in the morning and then I was invited to a baby shower in the afternoon. I did not make it to eitherone of them. Maddie really did a great job helping out with her brothers. They sure do like it when she plays with them!
This morning when we got up I still felt yucky, but as the day has gone on I seem to feel better. When I came downstairs I found Adam on the phone in the kitchen and both of my boys in the living room without diapers on. Carter obviously decided he wanted his diaper off so that he could go pee. He did not bother to tell anyone he needed to go, instead he went in his toolbox in the toy room. Thank goodness he told me what he had done. It would have been bad if Kinnick would have found the tools and started to play with them. So that is how my day started off.
I got lots of laundry done today. YEAH! Adam just came in the house, and it is early, only 9:40. I just asked him what was going on that he was already done for the night and he says that the front end is out of the 8400. So that means he cannot drive it until John Deere fixes it. He is pretty sure they will have to come and pick it up with a semi and take it to Algona to fix. This harvest is just not going well for us! It seems to be one thing after another going wrong!
Well, I suppose I should get one more load of laundry done before I go to bed. Have a great week everyone!
Love, Steph
October 18, 2006
Hello! Just wanted to post about Kinnick to give an update on the meetings we have been having with the Prairie Lakes staff. For the last 3 weeks there have been 2 gals coming over to the house to work with him. They are here for an hour and teach Adam and I different things that we can do with him during the week. Today they informed us that they would like to work with him at least 6 months. They want Adam and I to spend 25 hours each week working with him one on one. They are happy that we caught this so early and called to ask them for help. The sooner we start to work with Kinnick the better. They have explained to us that they do not feel he has "medical" autism, but rather he meets alot of the markers that would indicate "educational" autism. I guess that is what we know for now. Carter is waking up from his nap so I need to go get him and bring him downstairs. Talk to you all later! Love, Steph
October 17, 2006
Here is a clip of Kinnick giggling and blowing bubbles and talking to me at the kitchen table.
Here is a clip of Kinnick giggling and blowing bubbles and talking to me at the kitchen table.
October 13, 2006
Combine FIRE!
As you can probably tell by the title of my post, we have had a stressful evening. The guys were combining corn at a field north and east of Whittemore this afternoon when my Dad stopped the combine because he heard something make a "clunk" noise. He asked Adam to come and see if he could figure out what was wrong with it. As he was heading over to see what was going on he noticed smoke coming out of the combine. He jumped up into the cab and told Dad to shut off the combine because it was on fire and he grabbed the fire extinguisher to see if he could put the fire out. He told my Dad to have Mom call 9-1-1 for the fire department. The fire extinguisher could not get down into the area where the fire was so he grabbed Dad's water jug and took that to see if he could dump it out. When the fire department arrived they were able to contain the fire and get my Dad out of the combine using a skidloader. By the time the kids and I arrived the fire was out and Dad was out of the combine. As we were sitting there I remembered that I always have the digital camera in the diaper bag so I grabbed it and took some pictures. After the fire was out John Deere arrived and looked to see what had happened. The firefighters had to use more water because the fire was still smoldering. Adam drove the combine over to Algona so that John Deere can work on fixing it tomorrow morning. Both the firefighters and the John Deere guy told us that it is a good thing that Dad stopped when he did. And it is a good thing that Adam was in the field when this all happened. Things could have been really bad but it did not turn out that way. I guess God puts people in just the right places at just the right times. I am thankful that Adam and my Dad are both safe at home tonight!
Love, Stephanie
October 09, 2006
Some pics from today
Kinnick playing legos. He really likes them alot! He really had fun digging in the bus and making alot of noise. I think he was trying to wake up his big brother!
Here is Carter after I laid on the couch with him for 40 minutes trying to get him to fall asleep I got up to switch a load of laundry and he was sleeping when I came back in the room. How does that work anyway?????
Another crazy weekend
Well, our weekend was an interesting one. Friday was Adam's birthday and he ended up in the ER around 9:30 that night with severe back pain. The doctor could not believe how bad it was. He said it was like every muscle in his back was comparable to a clenched fist. I felt so bad for him. He ended up getting a shot and also a prescription for a muscle relaxor and a pain medication too. So, he was drugged up enough that he got some rest Friday night. He spent all day Saturday on the couch. Maddie went to her flag football game on Satuday morning with a friend of hers who is on the same team as she is. When they got back to Whittemore she called from his house and asked if she could hang out with him and play video games. They brought her home around 3:30 and she said that she had alot of fun. I went to Algona and got some groceries while the boys were napping for Adam. It was so nice to get groceries all by myself! On Sunday morning we got up and went to church at 10 and then came home for Kinnick to nap before we went to my nephew's birthday party at 1. When we were ready to leave the party we found that we were locked out of our suburban (thanks to Maddie). My sister ran us home and Adam went back to town with her to unlock our vehicle with our spare keys. The guys went to the fields after that and worked until about supper time when the combine broke down. John Deere was here first thing this morning and fixed the problem, so they are out now and going again. I just got the boys cleaned up from eating lunch and Brennan is napping. I just wanted to get a post for you all to read since I did not get to it this weekend. Have a SUPER week!
October 06, 2006
Happy Birthday Adam!
Today is Adam's birthday. He is a whopping 31 years old! Give him a call and wish him birthday greetings at 515-320-3564!
October 05, 2006
Yes, it has been a long time...
Yeah yeah yeah, I know that I have been awful about getting posts done lately. Just so hectic now that Adam is in the fields and I am left with the kids and housework and birthday parties to plan, and schoolwork to do, and helping Maddie with homework, and babysitting Brennan and the list goes on and on and on.........
Let's see, alot has happened since I posted last. Adam's mom and her husband arrived last Friday to stay with us for a few days. The kids were really excited about them coming and it was great to hang out and spend some time with them. On Saturday we all went to watch Maddie play flag football in the morning. They took her shopping and to the band day parade in the afternoon. She had a blast and got quite spoiled when they shopped.
On Sunday afternoon we had a birthday party for Carter. It was a John Deere party of course! He got alot of nice gifts and so he has been quite entertained this week playing with everything he got. I still cannot believe he is 3 years old already!
On Monday morning Jayne and Doug left to go visit Grandpa Adkins in Carroll. They stayed overnight with Grandpa and then headed back to Wichita on Tuesday. It was a short trip for them, but we were happy to have them here!
Tuesday was a pretty ordinary day, not much going on and that is always nice! We had a busy day yesterday though. We had a speech pathologist and a teacher from Prairie Lakes come to the house and evaluate Kinnick. I am glad that we did because it seems that he meets quite a few of the "markers" that would indicate the possibility of him being autistic. They did not officially diagnose him yet, but will come back in 2 weeks with a plan in mind for what we need to do to help Kinnick and then we will go from there. They did both tell us that Kinnick has some really positive behaviors and actions, so they were happy to see that. They told us that the sooner we start working with him the better the outcome can be. I have several websites that I need to research before they meet with us again. It is nice because they come to our house and work with him here and will teach Adam and I things to do so that we can work with him also. He warmed up to the ladies really well to, so that was good. I will keep you all posted as things come along.
Yesterday afternoon I took Carter and Kinnick to get their pictures taken (Carter 3 years old, Kinnick 18 months old). What a catastrophe! Carter would not smile without shutting his eyes when he said cheese. Kinnick did not want anything to do with getting his picture taken and he cried the whole time. Carter decided that he wanted to help change the backdrop and when he yanked on the pulley he broke it. The photographer said it was fine, but I felt awful! Then when we were almost done with the pictures Carter found the pulley and was carrying it around. He ended up dropping it in his foot. It had to have been at least 2 pounds. He cried and cried! I got him calmed down and we went to pick up Maddie at school so that we could go to K-Mart and pick up a few things that we needed. Since the kids were good at K-Mart I took them to McDonald's for some ice-cream. As we were eating our ice cream Carter took his shoes off and started screaming that his foot hurt. I carried him out to the car and we came home. He cried for 2 hours so my mom and I ended up taking him to the ER in case he had broken a bone in his foot. It was somewhat swollen and his toe was turning purple. The ER doctor we had was super with him and that made me feel better. The nurse let him play with her stethoscope and he laid on the bed telling us that he was "Doctor Carter". It was so cute! When the x-ray lady came to get him he had a fit. So they let me take him back. Well, as soon as he saw the x-ray machine he went nuts! He would not let go of me and was totally freaking out! They had a nurse come in so that I could leave the room. I felt awful listening to him scream! There were no broken bones, just a really bad bruise. He was quite cranky when we got home and it took me quite a while to get him to bed for the night. He seemed to walk on it okay today. He said it hurt a little bit, but nothing quite like yesterday afternoon!
What a crazy day that was! Today was pretty calm and ordinary so that was good. I am happy that tomorrow is Friday and am looking forward to the weekend. Love to all, Steph
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