October 09, 2006

Another crazy weekend

Well, our weekend was an interesting one. Friday was Adam's birthday and he ended up in the ER around 9:30 that night with severe back pain. The doctor could not believe how bad it was. He said it was like every muscle in his back was comparable to a clenched fist. I felt so bad for him. He ended up getting a shot and also a prescription for a muscle relaxor and a pain medication too. So, he was drugged up enough that he got some rest Friday night. He spent all day Saturday on the couch. Maddie went to her flag football game on Satuday morning with a friend of hers who is on the same team as she is. When they got back to Whittemore she called from his house and asked if she could hang out with him and play video games. They brought her home around 3:30 and she said that she had alot of fun. I went to Algona and got some groceries while the boys were napping for Adam. It was so nice to get groceries all by myself! On Sunday morning we got up and went to church at 10 and then came home for Kinnick to nap before we went to my nephew's birthday party at 1. When we were ready to leave the party we found that we were locked out of our suburban (thanks to Maddie). My sister ran us home and Adam went back to town with her to unlock our vehicle with our spare keys. The guys went to the fields after that and worked until about supper time when the combine broke down. John Deere was here first thing this morning and fixed the problem, so they are out now and going again. I just got the boys cleaned up from eating lunch and Brennan is napping. I just wanted to get a post for you all to read since I did not get to it this weekend. Have a SUPER week!

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