December 16, 2006

Went to visit Santa today

Well, we actually did it. We went to Algona with all 3 kids and saw Santa today. I had them all dressed in blue jeans and red turtlenecks. They looked so cute. Kinnick wore his little Santa hat too. Carter and Maddie did not want to wear theirs. When we got there Carter instantly latched onto my leg. Maddie did not want to sit on Santa's lap but did promise that if it would help convince Carter to do it then she would. So we all went over to sit by Santa, including me! Maddie sat on Santa's lap and Kinnick stayed close to me and Carter did too. None of them cried so that was a bonus! I was pretty happy about that. I really expected Carter to flip out after how he was at Halloween. After we were done with that we had to go to K-Mart for a few things and then it hit me, a migraine. It was terrible. All I wanted to do was come home and sleep. The kids were cranky when we got home so I told Adam and Maddie to go into town for supper and I stayed home with the boys. We were all supposed to meet for supper tonight with the people who help us with farm work, but I just had such a terrible headache. It is 10 pm now and the headache is a little better. Well, I suppose I will try and get some pictures to upload so that you can see our visit to Santa.

1 comment:

Josie said...

Hey Steph! Just looking through your blog. Wanted you to know that I enjoy looking at it, so keep it up! I am very impressed you got such a great picture with Santa! Hope you had a nice Christmas and have a happy new year!