January 06, 2007

Saturday night

Kinnick checking out the piano that Carter got from the Johnson's
Kinnick & Santa at the Simonson Christmas - not sure what to think???

Carter was more than happy to get his gift from Santa!

And so was Maddie!

Maddie and Kinnick being GOOFBALLS!

Here it is Saturday night and Adam and I are just watching some episodes of Las Vegas that we TiVo'd and have not had the time to watch. Carter and Kinnick went to bed at about 9 pm and Maddie is still up, playing a video game in the toy room. Wrigley is trying to get comfy in Maddie's bean bag chair here in the living room and he keeps looking at me wondering if it is okay or not. I should go get the camera and take a picture of him but I am too lazy. I spent most of the day sleeping because I woke up with a migraine today. It is still not gone, but it is duller than it was earlier. Maddie started back to school on Wednesday after Christmas break. She was ready to get back to school and see her friends. The only part she doesn't like is going to bed early. This morning she went to a meeting at the YMCA to get information about girls basketball. Adam is going to be one of the coaches so he took her over to the meeting. I will know more this coming week about game times. Not much else is new with us. I will try and put a few pictures on if the BLOG will let me.

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