March 30, 2007

Friday is here

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you all have a good weekend. We do not have much planned. But that is normal for us. I need to go get groceries but will most likely wait and go when Adam is here with the kids so I do not have to take them with me. It just goes so much quicker if I go alone. Maddie has a birthday party to go to on Sunday and it is a pool party. She is pretty excited about that. Adam will probably work on machinery most of the weekend. He took Kinnick to get pictures taken at 11 this morning and then took Carter at 1 this afternoon. Bless his heart. He is such a good hubby! Carter did awesome getting his pictures taken, but Kinnick did not want anything to do with it. He would not hold still. He wanted to run and run and run! It is hard to believe that next weekend is Easter already. I need to get the goodies for the kids' baskets yet. Easter just snuck up on me! I have not even brought my Easter decorations up from the basement. Maybe the kids can dye Easter eggs this weekend. I think Maddie and Carter will enjoy that. I will take some pictures of them dying the eggs and post so you can see them. I need to go upstairs and get Kinnick. He is letting me know that he is awake. Love, Steph

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