May 08, 2007


I feel terrible that I have not posted since APRIL 29TH!!!! I guess it has been a busy week!!! Last week we played outside one night for quite awhile. It was one of the nights that was warm. Maddie and Carter took their kites outside and we decided that we would TRY to fly them. Adam was busy in the fields so it was going to be interesting for sure. We actually got them both in the air and Carter had a blast with his. Maddie got hers stuck in a tree. Lucky for us Adam and my mom were in the yard getting some corn seed loaded in the truck so they stopped to help get it unstuck for her. Shortly after that the wind went down and then it was time to find something else to do. Kinnick and Carter decided that playing in the garden would be lots of fun. Kinnick only tried to eat dirt once. But then he found a walnut and did not want to put it down! He really liked picking up dirt and throwing it over and over and over again. Carter played with his diggers and dozers and shovels and tractors. Maddie decided to run around the yard with Wrigley chasing her. I think they both got a workout!

Maddie's school had grandparents day last Thursday and my went to that with her. They start the morning with mass and then they get to go to the classrooms and see them and do a craft and then they go to have juice and rolls before they go home.

The weekend was okay, it went by too fast! We did not do too much. Some shopping in Mason City and cleaning up the house. The rain was non-stop. It is Wednesday and Adam is hoping to get back into the fields tomorrow. He ended up getting a really bad sinus infection but it worked out that it was during the time that he could not be in the fields anyway. Kinnick and I have to go to Algona this afternoon for appointments at the clinic. Carter is going to my mom's and he is really excited.

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