June 07, 2007

I missed yesterday

Hi! Thought I would post about what happened yesterday at our house. It was just the boys and I yesterday because I do not babysit for Brennan on Wednesdays and Maddie was at daycamp at the YMCA. Adam went to physical therapy first thing in the morning. It was cruddy outside and really windy. We had some heavy rain, thunder, lightening and hail. Yes, HAIL! It was enough to cover the road and our grass. The pieces were bigger than pea size. It lasted just a short time and then the sun came out. The rest of the day was nice, but quite windy.
The boys both napped most of the afternoon and I began getting all of the paperwork together for the Autism Walk on Saturday. We will leave tomorrow evening for Des Moines.
At 5:30 the boys and I went to Algona to get Maddie at the YMCA. The kids were hungry so I took them to Subway. Carter wanted to go inside Subway with me so I let him and as I was ordering he blurted out reall loud, "Mom, I just peed in my diaper". (Great, thanks for sharing that with everone Carter). As we were leaving Algona we had to stop and wait for an ambulance to go through a busy intersection. Do you ever get that feeling in your stomach that something just isn't right? Well, I did when I saw that ambulance. When we got to Whittemore we stopped at Pitchers and wished my Aunt and Uncle happy birthday. A bunch of our family was there to help them celebrate. It was then that I heard who was in the ambulance that we saw, my godfather, Ralph Koppen. This morning my mom called to tell us that he had passed away.
I am posting a video that I took last night of Kinnick playing with his trains. If you listen you can hear him say choo choo and chug chug.
Choo Choo

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Well, I need to get back to my Autsim Walk paperwork now. Love, Steph

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