June 23, 2006

A long day

What a long day it has been. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and an achy body. I actually got some sympathy from my hubby because he knew what I was in store for. I took some Zicam as soon as I got up and around in order to try and avoid getting as sick as Adam has been this week. I spent about 90% of the day on the couch. Thank goodness I have 2 little boys that like to watch movies and play tractors. They were very good for me.

I did let them go outside and splash for about 45 minutes in their pool and they loved it. The clouds started to move in so we came back inside and watched some more TV. Hopefully the Zicam worked and this will not amount to much.

As you can see from the pictures I've added, we had macaroni and cheese for supper. I am not sure how much Kinnick got in his mouth because he sure had a lot on his lap.

It sprinkled on and off this afternoon and tonight so Adam got to come in a little early from spraying and he made supper for us. I think he was happy to be home because I know he still does not feel 100% better either.

I don't have anything planned for tomorrow or Sunday, so I can rest and relax which is what I need to do to get better.

I have attached a clip of the boys swimming today!


Love, Stephanie

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