Hello to all!
Gosh where do I start? Today has been quite the day. Adam woke up this morning still feeling like crap, but he drove Maddie over to daycamp for me and that was good. When he got home he laid down and took a nap. I woke him up at lunchtime and asked him if he felt good enough to help my mom mow the lawn. Of course as soon as Carter heard the word mow he went nuts. He asked if he could go along and ride with daddy, but when we told him no, he was not happy. He cried and cried and cried. Adam said that he could help mow so we had some lunch first. I usually let the boys watch a cartoon when we eat lunch, so today Carter picked "The Wonder Pets". He and Maddie just love this show. I TiVo it for them every morning. Carter started singing so of course I had to grab the camera. You will see that Brennan is laying on the table watching me and Kinnick was sitting in his high chair very ready for a nap. He was a little stinker today and did not go down for a nap until 3 pm. He was a very cranky little boy!
Gosh where do I start? Today has been quite the day. Adam woke up this morning still feeling like crap, but he drove Maddie over to daycamp for me and that was good. When he got home he laid down and took a nap. I woke him up at lunchtime and asked him if he felt good enough to help my mom mow the lawn. Of course as soon as Carter heard the word mow he went nuts. He asked if he could go along and ride with daddy, but when we told him no, he was not happy. He cried and cried and cried. Adam said that he could help mow so we had some lunch first. I usually let the boys watch a cartoon when we eat lunch, so today Carter picked "The Wonder Pets". He and Maddie just love this show. I TiVo it for them every morning. Carter started singing so of course I had to grab the camera. You will see that Brennan is laying on the table watching me and Kinnick was sitting in his high chair very ready for a nap. He was a little stinker today and did not go down for a nap until 3 pm. He was a very cranky little boy!
Brennan left a little after 3 and I got Carter ready to go to Maddie's ball game with me. Adam got home from mowing the lawn and felt awful, so I knew that he would not go to the game with us. That worked out okay because Kinnick needed to sleep anyway.He ended up napping for Adam until about 5.
When Carter and I pulled into the YMCA's parking lot he spotted Grandma and Papa's van. That made his day! We went over and sat on the bleachers to watch Maddie's game. She did really good. She had an awesome catch in the outfield. She hit the ball well too! The people sitting in the bleachers commented to me that she was a good little ball player. And then they asked me if I spent hours outside playing catch with her. If you know me at all you would find that funny! I am the one who closes her eyes when the ball comes my way. There is not much athleticism in my body. Maddie loves sports and we encourage her to try whatever she wants to play.
After the game we went to K-Mart to get some diapers, wipes, and coffee. I am not sure how it can take an hour to do that, but when you shop with Carter things take time. He is so naughty when we shop.
On our way home from Algona we came upon the scene of an accident. There were 3 state trooper cars, 2 sherriff cars, a firetruck, and markings and glass all over the road. I did not know what had happened for sure because the vehicles had been moved from the scene already. My mom called me about an hour after we had gotten home and told me who was in the accident. She asked me if I had went by it on my way home. It turns out that an elderly couple from Whittemore pulled out in front of a car coming down highway 18. The elderly couple were both killed in the accident. The other driver was able to walk away from his car. How sad I thought at first, but the more my mom told me the more I thought to myself, "Everything happens for a reason, and this was God's plan. The elderly man's health had been failing and they did not think he would live a whole lot longer. He was very dependant on his wife to care for him. His wife had just been diagnosed with colon cancer at the end of May and was going to have surgery soon. Maybe this was a blessing. It is so hard to make sense of things when they happen.
It seems that there have been a string of accidents lately. My dad's cousin was killed in an accident last week. He was driving a semi and ran a stop sign and hit another semi. Both drivers died. Then I read in the newspaper today that a local farmer was killed when the tractor he was driving crossed railroad tracks when a train was coming and the train did not have time to stop.
It really makes you think when stuff like this happens. You just never know when you will see someone for the last time. Enough about that, it is almost 10 pm and I need to get ready for bed. I am tired. Adam's tossing and turning the last 3 nights has kept me from getting a full night's rest also.
I do not have to babysit tomorrow, so I am not sure what the boys and I will do when Maddie is at daycamp. Will have to see what tomorrow brings!
Love, Stephanie
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