November 04, 2006

What a wonderful day!

Wow, what a nice day it turned out to be! The kids were able to spend time outside this afternoon! They loved it! I just got them back inside a little bit ago and gave them a bath. Adam is putting on anhydrous for the elevator up by Fenton and should be back early evening so we will wait for him to get home to have supper. Maddie had her first soccer game this morning and Adam went over to watch her play in that while I stayed home with the boys. Last night Maddie spent the night with a friend from school so they took her to the YMCA for her game this morning. When she got home from her game she was really excited to show me her report card. She did AWESOME! She got "E" for enthusiastic in Art, Music and Phys Ed. She got "A"s in Religion, Reading, Language, Handwriting, Spelling and Math! We are very proud of her! We have parent teacher conferences this Wednesday night. Not much else happening here. Hope that all of you are having a good weekend! Love, Steph

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