February 11, 2007

2 trips to the ER today

Hello. I am sitting here at 10:11 pm waiting for Adam and Maddie to call me from the ER. Maddie had an episode tonight that upset her to the point that Adam and I did not know what to do. She told us that everything looked really far away. That is the only way she can describe it to us. She had this problem quite sometime ago but we thought it was due to a medicine that she was taking. The doctors had us take her off the medicine and she seemed to get better. We even had her vision checked out and that was fine too. We are not sure what caused it this time. She just kept saying that she felt like it was taking over her body. Adam took her over because it is snowing here. I called him on his way over to see how the roads were and he said they were AWFUL! So, I am just waiting to see what happens....
This morning we took Carter and Kinnick to the ER. They have coughed for 3 nights straight and the OTC medicine just did not seem to be working. They tested them both for influenza. One test came back positive and the other came back negative. The doctor did think that both boys most likely did have it though. And Maddie and Adam too. YUCK! He gave me a prescription to prevent me from getting it. The doctor asked us why we had not come to the clinic earlier in the week and we said that we had been told by the triage nurse that we talked to that we should not come in because there was nothing else they could do for us. Well, according to the doctor if we had taken the kids in within the first 48 hours of symptoms then they could have gotten this preventative medicine too. Guess I learned my lesson. Next time I want to take my children to the clinic I am going to schedule and appointment. No matter what the triage nurse says! We got some cough syrup with codeine in it for the boys so hopefully they will sleep better tonight.
Not much else happening. Just sitting here waiting for the phone to ring.......
I'll update again as soon as I can....Love Steph

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