February 27, 2007

The things we have to do as parents

More to the story about swallowing the penny......okay, if you have been reading along you know that Carter swallowed a penny this weekend. Well, now we are waiting for it to "move through" his system and "come out". After not pooping yesterday I started to be concerned about it. This morning he woke up at 5:30 crying that his tummy hurt really bad. Adam got up with him and after listening to him whine and be uncomfortable he finally decided to put a suppostory in and see what happened. Needless to say, within an hour or two he produced "results". Well, by this time Adam was gone to work so I had the fortune of "looking for the penny". Carter was quite excited about helping look for it. He was right there next to me peering into the diaper. As we were standing there I thought to myself, "these are the types of things you don't think about having to do BEFORE you have children". It was interesting to say the least. And I get to look forward to doing it again next time . The money has to show up sooner or later. Enough about that, I wanted to let you all know that tomorrow morning Maddie has a doctor appointment in Mason City so that we can hopefully get answers about what has been causing her vision problems and also her anxiety issues. The appointment is scheduled to last about 3 hours or more. I am just hoping that we can get home before the yucky weather hits. I will let you know how things go and what we find out. Love, Steph

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