Another week almost over. It does not seem like tomorrow can be Friday already. Our appointment with Kinnick's newest teacher was on Tuesday morning and he did pretty good. He was tired so I suppose that might have added to some of his frustration. He made some great sounds for us. We have a lot of games to play with him and he really likes those. He gets frustrated when we make him "work".
Yesterday was crazy too. Adam had a meeting to go to over lunch time so that left me here with both boys and as I was getting ready for Kinnick's teacher to come at 12:30 all heck broke loose. Of course things always happen when Adam is not here (ha ha ha). Carter was in the kitchen with me and he was getting a butter knife out of the silverware drawer and the next thing I know he is screaming for Adam and there is blood in the drawer because he had cut his finger. Somehow a steak knife got put into the wrong drawer and on top of that it was upsidedown in the drawer so Carter got stabbed by it right on the tip of his finger. Carter hates the sight of blood. I got a washcloth wet and applied it to his finger to try and stop the bleeding. I needed to know if he would need stitches or not. So I am trying to clean Kinnick up from lunch, hold onto Carter and calm him down, and call my mom all at the same time! CRAZY! Luckily my mom was home and could come out to the house and help with Carter while Kinnick had his meeting with his teacher. The bleeding stopped and Carter was fine. My mom took him into the toyroom and they played toys. He really liked that special time with Grandma all to himself! His band aid fell off on the bathtub after supper last night and he has not really mentioned his cut since then. Speaking of the bath, Carter decided that it would be fun to stand up in the tub and "toot" well, he got more than he bargained for. Yep, you guessed it, pooped in the tub. And once again Adam was gone so I got to be the lucky one to clean it up.
Today was calmer. Kinnick and Brennan played with legos for a long time today. Here are some pictures of them.
Yesterday was crazy too. Adam had a meeting to go to over lunch time so that left me here with both boys and as I was getting ready for Kinnick's teacher to come at 12:30 all heck broke loose. Of course things always happen when Adam is not here (ha ha ha). Carter was in the kitchen with me and he was getting a butter knife out of the silverware drawer and the next thing I know he is screaming for Adam and there is blood in the drawer because he had cut his finger. Somehow a steak knife got put into the wrong drawer and on top of that it was upsidedown in the drawer so Carter got stabbed by it right on the tip of his finger. Carter hates the sight of blood. I got a washcloth wet and applied it to his finger to try and stop the bleeding. I needed to know if he would need stitches or not. So I am trying to clean Kinnick up from lunch, hold onto Carter and calm him down, and call my mom all at the same time! CRAZY! Luckily my mom was home and could come out to the house and help with Carter while Kinnick had his meeting with his teacher. The bleeding stopped and Carter was fine. My mom took him into the toyroom and they played toys. He really liked that special time with Grandma all to himself! His band aid fell off on the bathtub after supper last night and he has not really mentioned his cut since then. Speaking of the bath, Carter decided that it would be fun to stand up in the tub and "toot" well, he got more than he bargained for. Yep, you guessed it, pooped in the tub. And once again Adam was gone so I got to be the lucky one to clean it up.
Today was calmer. Kinnick and Brennan played with legos for a long time today. Here are some pictures of them.
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