September 25, 2006

It's a new week!

Hi! Well here it is Monday morning already! The weekend went by too quick. The sun is shining today and that just makes it a great day! Later today I have to go and particpate in a "staged bus rollover". They are doing a run through as if a bus full of students rolls over to test how EMS, fire departments, hospital staff, parents, and students respond. This is due to the accidents that have happened over the past 2 years. It will be open to the public to come and watch tonight at 5:30 at the fairgrounds in Algona. I was called and asked to be a volunteer and so I think that I will be an injured student on the bus. Should be educational to say the least. I am happy that the school has been working with others in order to have a protocal to follow in the event that there is ever another bus accident. Not much else happening here. I need to go and get Carter dressed for the day so I will try and post again after I get home tonight or else tomorrow morning and let you know how the "bus accident" goes. Love, Steph

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