September 30, 2006

The Jelly Donut

Here are a few pictures of Kinnick eating a jelly donut. He was a STICKY mess when he was done. He ate the donut all gone which is more than I can say for Carter. He just likes to play with the frosting and jelly and make a big mess all over the table.
Today is Saturday and we got back from Algona just a little bit ago. Maddie played football this morning at 10 so we all went over to her game to watch her play. She did a really good job running one of the plays for her team today and she was proud of that. Adam's mom and her husband Doug got into town last night about 8 pm and so they went to the game with us too. That was pretty exciting for Maddie to have them get to see her play. Maddie's great grandma Bev and great grandpa Gib Buscher also came to watch her play. The weather was perfect outside and it was sunny and just a nice morning to be outside.
After we got done at the game we went to Family Table and had lunch. Then it was to Hy-Vee to pick up the cake I had them decorate for Carter's birthday party tomorrow. It turned out really cute! He is so excited about his birthday party. It will be fun, I'm sure!
Adam is outside getting the combine ready to go this afternoon. He is pretty sure that the beans are fit to go after the little rain we got last night. Carter is outside helping him as we speak.
Not much else new here, just wanted to get a quick update for all of you as I know that I have not been doing this everyday as I promised. Have a great weekend!

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