September 20, 2006

Wednesday already???

Hello! Can't believe it is already Wednesday night! Where did the day go? This morning I got up with Maddie and got her off to school. Then I got showered and ready for the day. I actually put makeup on and did my hair today! I got the boys dressed for the day and we went to get groceries in Algona. We went to K-Mart first so I could pick up a few things. When I was checking out Carter was looking at all of that junk they have by the check outs just so that little kids can bug their moms to buy something for them and I kept my eye on him. He really wanted a pencil and I told him that he could not have it. As I proceeded to write out my check I saw him sticking something into the K-Mart sack he was holding for me. I could have died. Great, my 2 year old is a klepto! I know that he is not old enough to understand and so I just told him that we cannot take stuff out of the store unless we let the lady behind the register ring it up. After we were done at K-Mart we went to Hy-Vee. Carter decided that he did not want to ride in the cart so I agreed to let him walk. He did better than I thought he would. Kinnick was a little bit ticked off that I did not use one of those kiddie carts to shop with. There is just no room for groceries in those things. By the time I got the groceries loaded Kinnick was sound asleep. When we got home I started unloading the groceries and Carter got his his gator and was driving it around the lawn. All of a sudden I hear this loud crash and then Carter crying. Adam was helping me haul the groceries into the house so he went running to see what happened. Carter had taken my watering can and filled it up with water. It was too heavy for him to get into the tailgate of the gator so he was holding onto it and trying to drive at the same time. That did not work very well because he drove through my hostas and right into the side of the garage and wacked his forehead on the garage. I got him calmed down and we snuggled up on the couch together to watch TV and we both fell asleep. When we got up from our nap he wanted to ride with Adam in the combine. My mom came and got wagons to take to where Adam was combining so Maddie and Carter went with her so that Carter could ride in the combine. Maddie rode with my mom to take a load of beans to town and she was quite bored. I took Kinnick to the field where Adam was with Carter so that he could have a turn riding with his dad in the combine too. I also met my mom so I could get Maddie and she could come home with me. Kinnick was not sure what to think about the ride. He really checked everything out though. We only rode for one round. Maddie did not want to ride in the combine. We came home and had some supper and then Maddie did her homework. As we were cleaning up the supper mess Maddie noticed that I had bought a step stool at K-Mart today for the kids to use when they brush their teeth. She was reading the sticker on it that says "Up to 800 pounds" and she said to me, "Mom you can even step on this stool". I said, thanks Maddie you are right, I can! She cracks me up sometimes. You just never know what she is going to say! Well, it is almost 10 p.m. and I should get my homemade applesauce out of the crockpot and put into the fridge. Yes, you heard right, I made applesauce in my crockpot. It required peeling apples and I am proud to say that I did not even cut myself. It took me quite a while to peel them, but I did it! Maybe I will eat some before I go to bed. It is still warm! YUMMY! Love, Steph

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