It is a little hard to see them in the cab, but they got to sit in the combine on Sunday while Adam was doing some work outside on it. Carter would sit in it all day if we would let him! He went and rode with Adam for awhile this afternoon. He just has so much fun!
Hope that you are all having a good week! As you know, I attended a "staged" bus rollover accident at the Algona fairgrounds last night. It was quite an experience and one that I will not forget. I played the role of a student who was on the bus and was sitting in the front seat when the accident occurred. I was supposed to be a 5 year old girl with cuts on my face and legs. I was also supposed to complain about my head hurting from hitting it on the seat. There were 16 of us that acted as students. The fire departments, police, EMT's, first responders, ambulance crew, hospital staff all took part in the exercise. It seemed as though it took forever from the time the "rollover" occurred until someone arrived at the scene to evaluate what had happened. When the first sheriff stepped onto the bus I really gave it my all. I should have been an actress. I sat on the seat with my legs pulled up towards my chest and began rocking back and forth crying for my mommy. It seemed as though no one was paying attention to me. Finally I was asked what hurt and so I told the EMT. He told me that he needed to take care of other students who were hurt more severly than I was. I cried some more and some more and some more. (Yes, I really cried tears!) I started to look around and when I looked over the seat behind me I saw alot of blood coming from another girls neck. She had a puncture wound. I "FREAKED" out when I saw the blood. I then started to pound on the bus window and tried to open it so that I could crawl out. I kept calling for my mommy. There was a nice fireman on the bus who tried to calm me down. He had to sit with me until they could get me off of the bus because I had convinced him that I was going to try and crawl out on my own. When they got me off the bus I saw a sheriff who was asking me my name and the name of my mom. I recognized him and started grabbing onto him telling him I was related to him and that I wanted my mommy. He took me over the the triage area where the EMT put a neck collar on me and then strapped me to a board. (Talk about uncomfortable!) They had a fireman sit next to me after they evaluated me and I had to lay there and wait for an ambulance to be able to take me to the hospital. When I got loaded into the ambulance I was asked alot of questions and once again I was checked over on the way to the hospital. When I got to the hospital I was seen by a doctor and he determined that I needed a CT scan and x-rays. I was still strapped to the board they put me on and I just kept asking for my mommy. When the exercise was all over we were taken back to the high school where we all met before the drill started and we sat down and discussed what we thought were positives and negatives from the experience. It was a real eye opener for me and gave me some insight as to what Maddie may have experienced during the 2 bus accidents she has been involved in. She is who I kept my mind on during the course of the exercise and because I did that I was able to truly act and react to things the way I thought she would have. SCARY stuff for a little kid! I get no credit for being a good actress because my tears were real and that is because I thought about what the little kids went through that were on the bus when the real accidents occurred. It seems as though the school and other parties involved have worked really hard to put some thought into what needs to be done if there is ever another bus accident in the future. I am happy about that.
Well, it is 9:30 now and I need to go fold some laundry now. Love to all, Steph
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